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About Baoan Industry Development Expo 2018

Bao’an Industry Development Expo 2018 (B-Expo) will be held at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from July 26 to 28.Sponsored by the People's Government of Bao'an District, organized by the Economic Promotion Bureau of Bao'an District and the Shenzhen Logistics and Supply Chain Management Association (LSCMA), adhering to the principle of "the government organizes conferences, enterprises organize exhibitions, market-oriented operation", positioned as a "specialized, market-oriented, international and branded" exhibition and revolving around the theme of "Coastal Bao'an, the industry hub and the dynamic region", the exhibition presents a complete picture of the modern and international Coastal Bao'an, the well-known quality and innovation-oriented industrial city and the business friendly and livable dynamic region, by shining a spotlight on key industries and enterprises that lead and support "the quality of Shenzhen and intelligence manufacturing in Bao'an".

Exhibitors Profile

  • Sino-German cooperation demonstration
  • Intelligent manufacturing
  • Electronic information
  • New material & new energy
  • Artificial intelligence 
  • Aviation & aerospace
  • Science & innovation 
  • Laser technology & equipment 
  • Big data industry 
  • Marine industry 
  • Health science & technology
  • Cultural and innovation

Visitors Profile

Manufacturing enterprises of industry-wide

Import & export trade companies and trade circulation enterprises

E-commerce, computer service and software enterprises

Culture, sports, entertainment, education enterprises and institutions

Enterprises in communication and transportation, logistics and warehousing, accommodation and catering, financial lease and business service, and residents’ service 

Hospitals, medical institution pharmacy, rehabilitation institutions, health care enterprises

Government sectors and associations, social organizations, research academies, scientific research institutions, international organizations

Supermarkets, chain-store operation, exclusive stores, wholesaler and retailer enterprises

Exihibitions events in other cities

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